
Peri F Blomquist

I’m starting to see people clicking on this page and thought I’d better fill it with something other than ambiguous but quippy one-liners.


Peri is a small town nerd who hails from the woods of Pennsylvania, but has since moved to towns and places people have actually heard of. She writes science fiction and fantasy, the occasional poem, and the even more occasional blog post. She has been writing since she was a tween, and means to go on writing until the elder gods rise and swallow the universe.

Peri lives with her partner, two cats, a varying number of houseplants, depending on how many orchids she is currently in the process of inadvertently murdering, and the existential dread that comes part and parcel with being a millennial on a slowly melting planet.

If you’re looking to contact Peri, you can email her at p.f.blomquist@gmail.com.

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